1.0       Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct

There are two important components: Code of ethics and Code of Conducts in MK Group.

The Code of Ethics and and the Code of Conduct are both crucial elements of an organization’s framework for ensuring ethical behavior, but they serve different purposes:

  • Code of Ethics:  It is a set of principles that reflect the organization’s core values and establishes a standard for what the organization considers to be ethical behavior
  • The Code of Ethics is often disclosed publicly, reflecting the organization’s commitment to ethical standards.
  • The Code of Ethics serves as a broad ethical philosophy for the organization,
  • Code of conduct: These principles guide decision-making and behavior based on moral values and beliefs. It is generally more abstract and aspirational, providing a compass for the organization’s vision and mission.
  • The Code of Conducts guidelines for behaviors and actions within the organization.
  • The Code of Conducts addresses day-to-day operations and interactions, detailing what is acceptable and what is not.
  • The Code of Conducts It is more concrete and directive, often including potential consequences for violations.
  • The Code of Conducts provides guidelines for behaviors and actions within the organization.
  • The Code of Conduct is typically more detailed and may be primarily addressed to employees only, focusing on compliance and rules.
  • The Code of Conduct translates those ethical principles into specific policies and procedures that govern the organization’s daily operations.

In Conclusion:  The Code of Ethics serves as a broad ethical philosophy for the organization, while the Code of Conduct translates those ethical principles into specific policies and procedures that govern the organization’s daily operations. Both are essential for fostering an ethical culture and ensuring that all members of the organization understand and commit to upholding its ethical standards.

2.0     Code of Ethics

  1. Conduct all business with honesty and fairness.
  2. Treat all individuals and communities with respect and dignity.
  3. Strive for excellence in all aspects of business operations.
  4. Be accountable for actions and decisions to stakeholders.
  5. Compliance: Adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and standards.
  6. Avoid conflicts of interest and disclose any potential conflicts.
  7. Confidentiality: Protect sensitive information and respect privacy.
  8. Professionalism: Maintain professionalism in all business dealings.
  9. Avoid illegal and immoral business dealings such as tobacco, gambling, vice, unhealthy activities and immoral games.
  10. Our values are: honesty, dedication, hard work, respect, positive attitude, fairness, open-mindedness, trustworthiness, flexibility, pride and understanding.

3.0     Code of Conducts

These eight principles below are designed to ensure that MK staff members uphold the highest standards of professional conduct and ethical behavior in their activities.

These principles are designed to promote trust and respect within the MK Group. The principles are aligned with MK Group’s vision, mission, strategic objectives, 6S, IT policies, audit and account policies, HR and remuneration policies, and Governance, Risk and Compliance policies.


  1. Integrity: Staff Members must act with integrity, demonstrating honesty and strong moral principles.
  2. Professionalism: Staff Members should provide a high standard of service and maintain professional competence.
  3. Transparency: Members are expected to be transparent in their professional conduct.
  4. Behavior: Members must exhibit professional behavior and comply with relevant laws and regulations. Comply with relevant laws and regulations and avoid any action that discredits the MK Group.
  5. Honesty: Be straightforward and honest in all professional and business relationships.
  6. Objectivity: Do not allow bias, conflict of interest, or undue influence of others to override professional or business judgments.
  7. Care: Maintain professional knowledge and skill at the level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent professional service.
  8. Confidentiality: Respect the confidentiality of information acquired as a result of professional and business relationships.

4.0 Whistleblowing

MK Group promotes Corporate Governance Principles with

1) ‘the MK workforce should be able to raise any matters of concern’.

2) ‘There should be a means for the workforce to raise concerns in confidence and – if they wish– anonymously’.


MK Group is committed to building a culture of trust and openness. This is essential for a whistleblowing policy and procedure to work. Evidence shows that the culture needs to start at the top of the organization for it to be effective. The board should ensure that it is seen to be honoring the principle of whistleblowing.


MK Group has an effective whistleblowing procedure which allow for an employee to raise concerns about illicit behavior usually in one of the following areas:

  1. fraud;
  2. a serious violation of a law or regulation or compliances by the employees within the company;
  3. a miscarriage of justice;
  4. a danger to public health or safety, such as exceed speed limit, dumping toxic waste in the environment or supplying food that is unfit for consumption;
  5. neglect of people in care;
  6. misuse of company funds;
  7. Sabotage of company property, cars, machineries, tools, computers and phones;
  8. Taking gifts and bribes from the suppliers and subcontractors, the acts are against “No Gift Policy”;
  9. Stealing gasoline;
  10. Ignoring environment protection and purposely on the car engines when the car is idling.


MK whistleblowing procedures and policies are:

  • MK Group Board of Directors take malpractice or misconduct seriously and adopt a zero tolerance on wrongdoing.
  • The Board is committed to a culture of openness in which employees can report legitimate concerns without fear of penalty or punishment.
  • The Board will protect genuine whistleblowers at the highest level. The identity of the genuine whistleblowers will not be exposed with the strictest and highest level of confidentiality.
  • However, any false, malicious, frivolous allegations will result in disciplinary action against the individual making them. It means that the complaint made should be genuine and true, and not a make-up story designed to hurt and harm the innocent employee.

As shown above, the complainant can simply and easily lodge the complaint in myMK app under the staff utilities, and write the complaint and click send.

After the complaint, the Company will act immediately:

  1. Investigate the complaint.
  2. communicate with the whistleblower;
  3. Maintain the anonymity of the whistleblower;
  4. protection of the whistleblower.
  5. Complete the investigation.
  6. Take action.