Chairman's Message

Greetings and welcome to GLOBINACO SDN BHD

Since 1990, GLOBINACO Sdn Bhd has provided excellent quality in every civil engineering, road construction and infrastructure-related project that the Company had undertaken. Built on a solid foundation of commitment, dedication, hard work, professionalism and customer satisfaction, the Company has a solid track record of road construction projects. In 2004, the Company ventured into maintaining all the State Sealed roads throughout Sabah.

Committed to providing quality infrastructures for our clients, we've built an impressive reputation with our team approach through smart partnership and engaging the right technical expertise to assure cost-effective applications to maintain our niche as the Road Maintenance Specialist of Sabah State sealed roads.

In keeping with our aim for continuous improvements, our Company has since 25th May 2011, attained the ISO 9001:2008, ISO14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 certification by Moody International Certification in Malaysia.

IMS Policy

Globinaco Sdn Bhd (GLOB) was established in 1990, and involved in civil engineering, road construction and other infrastructure-related projects. Since 2004, the Company has ventured into providing road maintenance services for the Sabah State Government in order to meet and satisfy the public and Government needs and requirements. The top management of GLOB has strived to provide excellent works and services to the public and Government by meeting or exceeding expectations.

GLOB also strives to preserve and protect the environment and provide a conducive and safe working environment to its workers and subcontractors who work under GLOB’s control.

In order to achieve these objectives, GLOB has committed towards achieving Quality, Safety & Health and Environmental Conservation and Pollution Reduction through:

Growing awareness among the workers and subcontractors in complying with the customer as well as the regulatory and other requirements; mitigate and prevent pollution, injury and ill health and provide a safe & healthy environment.

Leading the Industry by providing the prompt services whenever needs arise; reduce the potential pollution, incident and accident at the work place.

Observe the opportunities for continual improvement and ensure the effectiveness of the IMS.

Be consistent in its quality works delivered to customer through continual monitoring and measurement, ensure on time delivery and cost effectiveness for each project carried out. Minimizing pollution and safety and health in
workplace is prioritized.

Our Objectives


  • Prompt payment to supplier, sub contractor
    - Discount Supplier – ASAP, maximum 30 days.
    - Credit Terms Supplier – based on credit terms, 1 week before due date.
    - Routine Sub Contractor - based on 45 days from work done.
    - Periodic & Emergency Sub Contractor - within 30 days after receiving payment from the government.
  • Keep all statutory required document in proper and order manner for 7 years.
  • Monthly Income Statement and Balance Sheet submission to top management.


  • To renew, upgrade and comply licensing requirements from the authorities on yearly basis
  • To maintain cleanliness and security of the building and compound on weekly basis through 6S.


  • To submit the routine maintenance claim by 1st week of the following month

Human Resource Management

  • To provide a minimum of 7 hours training per staff for every year excluding labourer category.
  • Training for laborer as & when required.

Information Technology

  • To provide a secured server information system with regular back-up systems on daily, weekly and monthly basis.

Operation & Engineering

  • To complete 99% of routine maintenance jobs with respect to the approved, activities, programs on monthly, half yearly or yearly cycle
  • To complete the pothole patching maintenance within 3 days upon detection.
  • To respond to all the complaints within 24 hours effective from 1/Oct/2006.
  • For routine sub-con, monthly assessment will be conducted (passing = 6 marks). For periodic & emergency, project assessment will be conducted up completion (60%).
  • To complete 95% work done of the approved annual periodic & emergencies projects within the predetermine period
  • To submit the progress report by the 15th of every following month


  • To achieve 82% marks (scale of 100%) of supplier yearly score report among the suppliers.
  • To achieve less than 4 cases of supplier non-conformance (wrongly delivered, pricing, unable to deliver, late delivery, material damage...etc) per year.
  • To receive quotations from at least two different suppliers to ensure all purchasing of new products are competitive, within budgeted cost and acceptable quality.

Work Shop

  • To minimize breakdown response time. ( Major: Car - less than 10 days, machinery less than 25 days. Minor: Car- less than I day, machinery less than 3 days) & 1 day response time for general service.

Quality Management System

  • To achieve for external audit < 10 NCR per year